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Fall Semester Courses

Explore our sixteen-week fall semester courses running from September 3rd to December 20th. The courses listed below are offered in-person and/or via Zoom.

Sermon in Church

MI 465/765

Pastoral Epistles and Current Issues

Location: Zoom

Instructor: Z. Stephenson

Day & Time: Mondays, 9AM-11:15AM


Description: This course will seek to shape the student's understanding of the pastoral epistles to faithfully engage issues relevant to church ministry in the Western world. Focus issues may include: role of men and women in the church, gender, contextualization of the gospel in a post-modern era, apologetics in preaching and teaching, catechisms and creeds, and outreach.

EN 100/500

Academic Success and
Personal Ministry Assessment

Location: Bangor / Zoom

Instructor: Dr. Smith

Day & Time: Wednesdays, 9AM-11:15AM


Description: This course equips students with the tools to succeed throughout their studies at New England
Bible College & Seminary and understand their calling, gifts, God's will and place in ministry in the Church and the Kingdom of God. It will discuss effective study and devotional habits, how to read more effectively and critically, and how to organize one’s thinking to write more clearly. Students will learn how to do research (both in a library and online), how to evaluate sources, how to develop and support an academic argument, and how to organize papers using proper grammar and format. It is mandatory for all entering undergraduate students and is recommended for graduate students returning to study after some time away.

Image by Kelly Sikkema
Old Hebrew Prayer Book

LN 202/602

Hebrew Exegesis

Location: Bangor / Zoom

Instructor: C. Commmeau

Day & Time: Tuesdays, 12PM-2:15PM


Description: (Prerequisite: Ln 111 & 112) This course offers students the opportunity to put their new knowledge of biblical Hebrew into use reading, studying, and interpreting select passages of the Old Testament in its original language.

LN 101/501

Introduction to Biblical Greek 1

Location: Bangor / Zoom

Instructor: C. Commmeau

Day & Time: Wednesdays, 12PM-2:15PM


Description: Introduction to the New Testament’s language. Greek is a doorway to deeper understanding of all the New Testament writings. This course takes up the Greek alphabet and the basics of grammar and vocabulary, leading to a basic competence in translation.

Image by Rod Long
Window Light in Church

LN 121/521

Intro to Ecclesiastical Latin 1

Location: Bangor / Zoom

Instructor: C. Commmeau

Day & Time: Thursdays, 12PM-2:15PM


Description: The study of Ecclesiastical Latin, leading to translations of Jerome’s Latin Vulgate.

BI 314/614

Readings in the Gospels and Acts

Location: Bangor / Zoom

Instructor:  Dr. Smith

Day & Time: Tuesdays, 3PM-5:15PM


Description: This course surveys the three synoptic gospels, plus Luke’s Acts of the Apostles, as well as the gospel of John, with the aim of understanding each writer’s particular theological teachings and concerns, while also drawing attention to their complementary witness to the one Gospel. It builds upon, and deepens the knowledge gained in Introduction to New Testament 1.

Image by Sixteen Miles Out
Male adults are reading the Holy bible by pointing to the character and to share the gospe

MI 301/601

Basic Biblical Counseling

Location: Zoom

Instructor: R. Sargent

Day & Time: Mondays, 6PM-8:15PM


Description: This course will examine counseling from a Biblical perspective. God has placed in the Bible solutions for human problems and needs and provides the keys for successful and contented living. Believers taking this course will learn how to become effective Biblical counselors for basic spiritual and emotional needs.

BI 101a/501a

Old Testament Survey

*Formerly Introduction to Old Testament 1

Location: Augusta/Zoom

Instructor: Dr. Moore

Day & Time: Tuesdays, 6PM-8:15PM


Description: An introduction to the authorship, nature and contents of the Old Testament books and their environment. Special attention will be given to important persons, places and events, key chapters and storylines with an eye towards grasping the entire sweep of the Old Testament as revelation.

Image by Fa Barboza.webp

TH 201/601

Christian Doctrine 1

Location: Zoom

Instructor: Dr. Lambertson

Day & Time: Thursdays, 6PM-8:15PM


Description: The word “doctrine” derives from the Latin word for “teaching,” which means that Christian doctrine is simply the orthodox teachings about the various elements of our faith. This first part of a two-semester course will address the biblical grounding of Christian belief as such, the Trinity,
creation and providence, human nature, sin, and the covenant of grace. Part 1 of a two-semester course.

PH 403/703

Advanced Apologetics

Location: S. Portland / Zoom

Instructor: Dr. Vermilion

Day & Time: Thursdays, 6PM-8:15PM


Description: This course builds upon the Introduction to Apologetics (PH 203/603) with in-depth assessment and critique of significant and contemporary challenges to the Christian faith. Students will be encouraged to examine their own ministry context and formulate a robust and thoughtful response from an integrated gospel-centered worldview.



College Lecture

ED 101/501

Introduction to Christian Education

Location: Augusta / Zoom

Instructor: Dr. Lawson

Day & Time:  First class is Tuesday, September 3rd via Zoom

Dates and times for remaining sessions will be coordinated between students and professor.  (See our downloadable Course Grid for the proposed schedule.)


Description: This course examines human and spiritual development theories that inform explanations of how people learn. Developmental stages will be explored along with learning styles. Theories and research are included with an emphasis on practical applications in a Church context. Students will build a Christian philosophy of education and gain practical lesson planning and teaching experience.

MI 255/655

Disciple Making

Location: Augusta / Zoom

Instructor: Dr. Culbertson

Day & Time:  First class is Saturday, September 7th via Zoom

Dates and times for remaining sessions will be coordinated between students and professor.  (See the Course Grid link above for proposed schedule.)


Description:  Students will examine the scriptural and theological mandate for disciple making with particular focus upon Jesus' strategy for making disciples. Emphasis will be given to how Jesus' strategy compares with and fits into contemporary life and ministry.  

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