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SPRING 2025 

Discover our course offerings for the Spring 2025 term. Explore the complete list of academic programs available, both in-person and online via Zoom.


In-person and Zoom courses begin on January 13, 2025

Readings in Patristic Greek

C. Commeau
LN 350/650

Offers students the opportunity to put their knowledge of Greek into use reading, studying, and interpreting select readings of the Patristic era. 

If you have questions or need more information about the Spring Semester courses at NEBCS, please contact the Academic Dean.

Spiritual Formation and Discipleship

J. Kasten/ Fuller
SF 100/500

This course aims to equip pastors and Christian leaders to develop maturity in honorable worship of God, devotion to Jesus, and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. As an introduction, this course will examine the theology and practice of spiritual formation disciplines as a means to Christian maturity. While focus will be upon individual student growth, students will also consider how to enhance discipleship within the local church or ministry. 

Christian Doctrine 2

Dr. D. Lambertson
TH 202/602

This second semester will consider the person of Christ and his work of salvation, the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of the Church, Christian life, Christianity’s relation to other religions, and the Last Things. Part 2 of a two-semester course. 

World Religions

Dr. J. Vermillion
HI 211/611 

Given modern communications, travel, and immigration patterns, Christians have a responsibility to have a basic understanding of the other major religions of the world. This course endeavors to provide that knowledge, as well as to promote both critical thinking and appropriately respectful engagement.

New Testament Survey 

BI 102a/502a

An introduction to the authorship, nature and content of the New Testament books and their environment. Special attention will be given to important persons, places, events, key chapters and storylines, with an eye towards grasping the entire sweep of the New Testament as revelation.

Intro to Preaching & Public Speaking

Dr. T. Smith 
CO 120/520 

This course provides the opportunity for the student to learn how to effectively communicate publicly. It will help the student learn how to prepare lessons and speeches, and present their material clearly and appealingly, providing them opportunities to practice with constructive comments from their peers, instructor, and professionals (teachers, professors, and pastors).

Intro to Biblical Greek 2

C. Commeau
LN 102/502 

(Prerequisite: Ln 101) Continues the building process to an initial competence in the original Greek language of the Bible.

Intro to Philosophy & Ethics

W. Johnson
PH 102/502

Beginning with the ancient Greeks and moving to modern times, this course will survey the major philosophical schools and their assumptions and teachings. The course will help students better understand how Christianity has both adapted and used various philosophical systems, while also resisting others.


Spring Semester Schedule 2025


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(207) 947-1665

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